Monday, January 29, 2007
Lets Get Physical.....

Saturday, January 27, 2007
Studio Friday-Artists

This weeks studio friday was just up my alley, I want you to meet Audrey Kawasaki. I love her work, she works in a light color pallet. Her paintings seem to float in a soft light. Her subjects are women. I found her by also surfing the web one day looking for inspiration. I could only pray to have a talent that awesome. I did not know how to do the link with her name, but it you clikc on the Studio Friday Artists it will take you to her website.
Rembering when....

Friday, January 26, 2007
I am back Just Popping Along

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Computer going to the hospital....
My computer has been giving me some trouble. Its very slow in starting and sometimes wont do what you want it to. I am taking in tomorrow to my guy (a computer guy) to get a complete clean up and reload. Hopefully will have it back by Friday. If all else fails I will post from work. Well its been a great couple of days here in the North, its going to plus 12 Celsius and its still January. God are we having crazy weather or what. Hurricane winds in Europe snow in Arizona. Finished up a couple of layouts last night for my 52 week weight loss. I am going to post then on Friday I dont have to post them every week, I am going to post them as I do them. Well tommorow night I off with the girls for a night out. We are going to this Italian restaurant Its all about Garlic, should be inter sting and fun. I have alot of fun with these friends of mine. Well I am all out of news, that would not put you to sleep. So hopefully will talk to you on Friday.....
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Pretty Hot Chick even at age 6....

Saturday, January 20, 2007
Cant load an image today....
Don't know why I cant load an image today but will post anyway and try to get an image up later. Well how are you all.....I had a great day today, went out with my friend to Costco and Lunch. Everyday is out of the house tonight, hubby at a hockey game, and the daughter at work, and what am I doing cleaning the fridge and hanging around on the intenet now how exciting is that. I love Costco, I don't have a card, but my friend does ,I go with her when ever I want anything. The sizes of everything are way to big for this family, now if I had boys like she does, its another story. Last night I cleaned the studio and threw out stuff I thought I would use one day and that day never comes, it just takes up space and this is the year I am make space in my life....the studio looks and feels 100% better, tomorrow I am going to hang up some of my art,I dont have anything hung up in there of mine, but I will starting tommorow, another big step. I have been thinking about my life lately it must be my age and all the things I have done, and all the things I want to do and accomplish and I made a list and this is the year that some of those things get taken of the list. Well hopefully tommorow I have something that is a tad more interesting than me....Talk to you then.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Drowning in a river of water. week 2 of the journey

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Facing the Scale week One

Monday, January 15, 2007
Just 5 minutes....

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Studio Friday: Travels

I have traveled many places in my life, and hope to travel many more. I have traveled just about all over Canada and the USA. I have been to Europe and found my favorite place on earth to be Italy. From its majestic hilltop villages to its breathtaking beauty of its beaches. My favorite city has to be hands down Venice. We stayed in a hotel right on the canal, in our room we able to see the boats traveling up and down the canal doing there daily business. The water buses, the Italians going to work, we even saw a funeral, with all the mourners in there own boats following the casket. we heard and saw amazing sights and sounds. The smell of the city was something not to be forgotten (no not the canal), cooking , oils, people all mixed together in those tight little alleyways they call streets. The colors' and history could boggle your mind. The ride on the canal at night on a Gondola, hearing the quiet looking into lives' of people as you passed by their house truly amazing. Nothing there was new, it was all old and full of history, I could have stayed there for months and still not taken everything. I hope one day to go back there with my sketchbook and my digital camera and record these amazing sights.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
A horse is a horse of course of course...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A page a month;....

Sunday, January 07, 2007
When love was really love for a lifetime.....

Saturday, January 06, 2007
Studio Friday....Changing Names
had been thinking about this Challenge for a couple of days. I talked to my mother about it, and she in turn related a story to me I had long forgotten.In about grade one, the first day of school I told my teacher that they had got my name mixed up, my name was Patsy not Lee, (Patrica was my middle name). Hence the class began to call me Patsy…until meet the teacher. In comes my mother , the teacher asks whose mother are you, well I am Lee's mother. The teacher then says oh you mean Patsy….needless to say I was Lee from then on. As a child and a teen I always disliked my name for many reasons, first I thought it was a boy's name, second it was to easy to remember the teachers always knew my name immediately. And last I wanted some exotic artsy name like Natasha, or Victoria not plain Lee.. Now as an adult I cant imagine being any one else. My name goes with me, and its so easy to say, unlike my married last name which nobody can spell or pronounce. I think my mother could have been a little more daring and at least spelled my name Leigh. But on the other hand she named my other Sister Delta, now that's another story…..
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Spring has Sprung on the Blog...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday, January 01, 2007
New Years Day and counting....

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