Did you know that this weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada. Well it is, and it is turkey and all the trimmings on Sunday at my house for 14 people. I am looking forward to it. My sister came in last night from Winnipeg so we have been busy all day with my mother, shopping for Christmas presents and just generally hanging out with each other. I have lots to do this weekend hence the to do list.
finsh the baby picture for my daughters friend as she is in the hospital as we speak giving birth (a month early)
Just have to get to the clients home.....luckly she has been busy
grocery shopping for the feast
work on class project ( Iam taking an online class from Wyanne, see sidebar...I am a student once again
clean the house
get to Ikea with sis as she does not have one in Winnipeg
and things I cant think of ....but will pop into my head when least expected.
This picture is just a sketch of the picture that I am trying to create....lets hope it turns out