Hello, well I have been gone 2 months as of today., I missed blogging and talking about my exciting life and I know you are all riverted to your seats with excitement. What have I been doing since I left....Well alot of sitting on the deck, relaxing , enjoying the summer (or what was summer). I have been sketching and used crayon watercolours (as above). The giraffes should have 4 legs I know but artist liscence.
I cant get my links to work.......so I have given you the name of the blog..go to the side where I have all my blogs and click on it...it will take you there.
I have been cruising the web and found some interesting sites here is a list of some new and old ones.
1. Dispatch from LA is where I am taking the course from,. if your not interested in the course she still has a wicked blog full of eye candy and gives great art tips.
Dispatch from LA
2. Do you like Martha Stewart. well I wish I was organized as her and of course had her money but I have a link to her daughters block thart is quite intersting, she gives recipes , books she likes, and she is moving into a new millions of dollar condo and she is having it renovated and shows update pictures....oh to be Marthas daughter.
3. Julie Prichard has always been a favourite of mine, she is witty, willing to share, and makes great colour combinations and has online classes, which I am going to take the book one in
September.......no she is not paying me for this recommendation, after all those 5 readers of mine have probably given up on me.
Lost Luggage
4. And the last for today.....Tongue in Cheek an american, married to a French Man, living in provence with her kids and husband, (kids just about grown up). Her name is Cory she posts every day and I never miss her....check her out.
Tongue in Cheek
Now I know I have missed a few of my 5, like Krissie in Austrialia, and Toni in Phonenix, etc. But dont worry you will be on my list for next time.
I am big into ATC now dont ask me why, I never thought I would like them, but they seem to be going okay, I joined a group to swap...I thought If I changed up my art, I can only get better and and stay focused and committed to my art. Instead of losing interest and be boring. I decided I am putting the boring out the window and being more intersting stay tuned for the new me, or the old me....Glad I am back....I checked all your blogs almost daily even if I did not leave comments. I missed you all