Today is just going to be an update of sorts to let you know what going on in my life. (Not much)
Well I did not go out and get a job, what the hell was I thinking.......how long did I work and work and wait for retirement. I must have been having a off day...or an out of my mind day. I love my life (today) and dont want to have a job....
The birthday girl had a great weekend...got lots of great presents...here is a run down, we got her a beautiful bracelett with diamonds, (were talking small small ) but something she can look back at and remember when she got it. A beautiful silver ring, money, another bracelett all from family and friends. Now the boyfriend went way to crazy,,not one but two purses from Coach, american money (the shopper is off to vegas at the end of the month with friends) 2 dvds and 1 cd....plus dinner at the expensive (I have never been there) Ruth Chris....the boyfriend must be happy to know that you can only turn 21 once....broke the bank
On my bookshelf I have been reading:
a year in provence
Natural Fashion (
How to paint portraits
How to create a zine
In the art department, I have not been creating. Thinking over things, yes, but no actual pencil to paper. I have signed up for a few Artist Trading Cards trades on some of my ning sites. I have signed up for an xmas ornament trade. I am thinking of creating a few collages ...lots of thinking but no creating. I am going to start creating tonight. I have been watching Teesha Moores videos
http://www.teeshascircus.blogspot.com/(who hasnt) and created one of her booklets. Okay not finished yet....I have been watching Romanys
http://rhomany.org.uk/videos on creating a art journal...not finished yet. All these things I need to get finished by the end of the month. Also need to take another picture of my tree outside for Julies
I am a bit worried I had signed up for 3 atc trade.I finished them and sent them all off at the same time. Made sure that they were all taken to the post office and the right postage was but on. Now Janet
http://jkbees.blogspot.com/ lives in California got hers last week. But not a word from the other two. Now one was going to Florida, the other was going to Philly...they must have been there by now, no word on them yet.
I am starting at new tradition here monday's I will post a blog that I think is great....and think everybody should check out......there are so many great blogs out there that nobody reads or looks at.....my first one for today is...drum roll please
http://www.percyandbloom.com/down-abbies-road/ I really like this blog, she also has a site where she has free images to use in your art. If you read down a little you will see she crocheted a scarf and fingerless mitts....if only I crocheted......I love it. Did you know those gloves are all the rage this year...
Well you must be sick of me by now...so I am done for today....leave me a comment and let me know what you think...I would like to know someone reads this blog.