Sunday, October 15, 2006

Just call me CRASH...

Yep thats right I hit a pole, or backed up and hit a pole, dont ask me how I did it, befause I know that pole is there, everyday I pull out of my mothers back parking lot I think about that pole, but today I hit it. As you know I just got my car fixed in the summer from someone bashing into me in underground parking and driving away it was the truck now this is the bumper and the light, looks like 3000 dollars worth of damage. Am I upset yes, because its my fault but onwards I always say, (thats not exactly what my husband said I cant really print those words). But were over it , it was an accident. Well no art this weekend, maybe tonight, I was helping my daughter clean her closet a massive job but its done, lots for the goodwill, and let me tell you they will be dressing in style for awhile. Its sunday and really not much has happened that made me to happy today so I am going to blog off and try to get into my happy place (the studio) talk to you tommorow I am going to get an estimate so I will let you know the price ........

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Hey Crash
    maybe you will have to come out to BC to see your brother inlaw to get that fixed and maybe your cousin would like that too
    its not that bad we all have bad days
    So maybe I will see you in the near future and then we could do dinner


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