Friday, May 18, 2007

Studio Friday - 3 Wishes

If you had a magic wand what 3 creative issues would you solve? Maybe they are space issues that you are experiencing in your studio or issues about creating itself?

My three wishes are pretty basic:
1. I want to live a creative life
2. I want to continue to be happy with the art I create
3. I would like to be healthy as I age so that I can create a long time.

Loved doing the challenge, I thought of many wishes but really I am pretty basic and these are the 3 that make me happy...


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Great wishes and lovely drawing!

  2. Your three basic wishes are basically great. I wish I was a genie so I could grant everyone's wishes.

  3. less is more. These are wonderful wishes.

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    ...loved the colors that you used on this peice....hard to make 3 wishes ....but best to keep them simple, realistic and achievable....


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