Tuesday, August 07, 2007

cofffee break art part 1

yep this is what I do on my coffee break. I was sketching on this month page calender that I have on my desk,and this is what came of it (one of the pictures) i used black pen and markers that I had in my desk. I think it turned out pretty good, I believe that you have to practice your drawing skills everyday in order to get better. Well we just finished our long weekend, we had great weather and I did not do to much. Just basically relaxed and visited with friends. We bought some new den furniture about two weeks ago and we were going to put it together but it is still in the box in the den, and all the stuff that was in the den is in my living room and dining room. Maybe this weekend. Gotta go talk to you tommorow.


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Your drawing is VERY good! And good for you for drawing daily... a practice I should also adopt!

  2. This is so cool! Love that it's on what looks to be a desk calendar! Great work!

  3. That's really cool. I love that it's on a calendar, and I have a weakness for black birds:)


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