Sunday, November 11, 2007


This is a special art journal peice I made. I am actually going to do something like this on canvas for my mother for Christmas, but I am going to add my other sister to it (10 years younger). This art journal peice was about our connection just 2 years apart and when I last saw her.


  1. So touching,I dont have a sister, and dont know what its like to have that specail bond, but my kids - three girls do, and I can that its a very specail bond between them, they fight too sometimes, but there is a lot of love too.
    Can I ask why you havent put in facila features? I actually like it better without them!! what a good idea.

  2. sorry - I mean - facial - typing goes haywire when in a hurry! lol!

  3. your sister piece is AWESOME..what a beautiful tribute...I really enjoyed reading your journal. I want to thank you for stopping by mine and leaving such encouraging words...I so appreciate it!....take care

  4. This is very touching. I have sisters and we have a complicated relationship.

  5. You put such thought and passion into your art, Lee. Very nice!
    :) Abbie

  6. Hi Lee.. I followed a link from Krissie's blog.. I have had a quick look at your art journal work and it is delightful! love it!

  7. Hi Lee,

    Lovely piece of work! Colors are beautiful!



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