Saturday, November 16, 2013

Welcome to canada

outside of my front window
you cant tell but its snowing like crazy today
today its all about staying warm
wrapping some Christmas presents that have to go in the mail
a little shopping
some time in front of the fireplace
what's up with you today


  1. OMG! look at all of that beautiful? snow! Here in Texas it's suppose to be almost 70 degrees! have fun!

  2. I didn't know you lived in Texas.....

  3. Oh my..... I don't envy that. Luckily we have not seen the snow yet, but it will come sooner or later. Much later I hope. I've been using my Twinks for some swatches, and I painted " She Who Love Nature.
    Thanks for making me laugh this morning Lee, I almost had an accident with my coffee mug. You and elephants, that was a good start of my day. For a moment handyman thought I was going crazy.

  4. Lee...what a lovely snow...but I bet you get tired of snow before it all goes away. Looks like you had a productive week....Your style is so unique!

  5. wanna swap places? hot here and humid, a day for staying indoors cos its not nice outside!

  6. just written a post inspired by this post of yours here!


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