Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Sunday

been busy trying out new art ideas
have you noticed the older you get the worse your spelling is
have you noticed the number of ads that seem to be popping up on the blogs
typepad seems the worst
today its all about just doing nothing
I am reading a great book
I am working on a canvas
I going to make a great dinner for a change
watched a great movie last night
Captain Phillips loved it
what are you doing today


  1. great great drawing. yes more and more ads! in case you saw that there was a video - I had to fix it!

  2. sounds like you have a busy day planned. i'm cooking dinner today too. we went to a great produce and meat market yesterday.

    are you snowed in? beautiful and sunny here but chilly. we've hardly had winter yet. such a difference from east. enjoy your day.

  3. Lots of ads! I'm not doing much today, just enjoying to stay inside. We've got a snowstorm going here so inside is the place to be right now.

  4. Very interesting! I knew a woman like that once...there was no pleasing her!


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