Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Shoe Collage

I have been making postcard collages, its easy , and fun.  I have
a bunch of backgrounds all ready and cut into post card sizes so
when I feel like making a postcard.  I whip one out, and then look
thru my collage fodder and then proceed from there.  Sometimes they
are pretty simple like this one, but when I saw the shoe, I loved it
with the background, then came the words.  Sometimes the words
come before the object.  When you make collage, what is your process?


  1. Great card. Like you I have backgrounds ready. Then collage. Then I look for words, if I don't find any that work then I just go with the collage.

  2. Sounds like you and I work alike

  3. I like your idea of having postcards ready with their backgrounds, that would be fun to do itself.


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