Here is a picture of some daily art. Well I have not been posting much as summer is winding down, I find that I have been quite busy with the baby or I mean puppy. Even though It is my daughters dog, who takes it out for a walk and his puppy breaks (so he doesnt do it on the floor) Next weekend I am going away with the girls for a Its All about Me weekend. Each of us have to bring each one of the girls something we have made. So I am in top secret mode making these items. I will be able to show you after the trip dont want to spoil the surprise. The weather here has turned dark and ugly, rainy, and the trees are chaning colour, I do not want winter to come. I would love to live in a climate like Austrialia (I spelled that wrong) where it is pretty nice all year long.....Well I gotta go and work on the project talk to you tommorow.
Lee the head of your sketch reminds me of an emu - an aussie bird. Nice weather in Oz? Hmm...not this wonter it hasnt...we have the odd cool ish summer too, but I am hoping to have a hot hot summer this year. I have had 3 winters in a row due to trip to UK and so I am due for some sun I think! I love autumn, and the changing colours of the leaves that is something I really miss here and love about the UK.