Monday, December 09, 2013

Fools and Divinities

Yesterday I told you about the Circle Journal Exchange I am in,
this is the Divinity page that I made, I just noticed, I need
to add some more white around the sun.  This page is opposite
a page done by a fellow artist and hers was the moon.  So It
was a no brainer to do the sun
Went to go swimming today and the pool is closed.  It has been
so cold here that the pipes froze and made all kinds of
mess all over the facility and they are not sure when it
will reopen. Leftovers tonight and working on finishing my
page on fools.


  1. How perfect, sun and moon together! And I'm sorry the pipes froze at the pool. Hope you can get back to swimming soon.

  2. that is just perfect for the theme that you had to do, I love that angel!


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