Thursday, June 04, 2009


Here is another one on canvas, gosh it looks really yellow here honest there are more colours, there is black purples, orange and white. Well today was a busy day, taking the mother inlaw to the airport, delivering something to my mother, taking the dog to doggy daycare. Went to the Laundromat today because wanted to wash the big comforter on our bed, they have really big machines so got that done, way cheaper than dry cleaning. I am home alone for another hour, so going to make the best of it. Looks like I have dread locks in that picture, I do not. But damn they don't look half bad......(lol)


  1. it does look like you have dreads... LOL I love the graphic feel of these two pages, Lee...really nice!

    Thanks for the compliment on my class too =)

  2. I had to laugh about the dread locks! Love the painting....and I can see all the colors.

  3. oh Lee this is rockin' cool -- what a great poster or CD cover it would make! And I bet you'd look great in dreads! why not!

  4. Hi Lee!

    I really like the face on this one. It turned out beautifully. It's nice to catch up with you!


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