Sunday, January 24, 2010

Altering Real Postcards

Postcard of Fort Steel. BC
Pen white out
Black Pitt Pen
Oil Pastels

1.  Love altering postcards
2.  Snowy today, staying home and making art
3.  Asked to be guest art for Technique Tuseday in Feb at
4.Making stuffed port tenderloin for dinner, whats on your menu?
5.9 postcards done and counting


  1. What a great idea! You just keep coming up with them! Congrats on the guest art appearance....that's fantastic!!

    As for dinner, I have no idea. I'll see what HB feels like cooking!!!!

  2. Love the post card, it looks like fun. WOW...guest art appearance, that's great.

    We're having Monty Christo dogs for supper because we've been nibbling all day because of football.

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

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  4. Poscards DIY, yes! Next time, take a photo or scan before you alter it, so we all can see the difference? Your postcard rocks!

  5. WHOA!!!!!!!! Is this the technique you emailed me you'd maybe write about? sweet! I love it.

    No, I didn't get a computer at home - I was visiting my twin bros and Ciera, and heisted one of their laptops on Sunday!

  6. Your dinner sounds delish(or it was delish) and I love the altered postcard!

  7. Oh this looks wonderful! What a super Idea!
    And of course congratulations on your guest art appearance, enjoy the excitement!!!! Smiles, Anke ;)

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