Sunday, December 30, 2007

Its not the New York Times

Today was all about family, resting, talking, revisting when we were young, remembering my Older sister.My mother, me and my younger sister(who is visiting)it really helped us all. We all went out tonight for Chinese food and had a great time. My sister leaves tommorow for home and I will miss her....The newspaper is for my art..hubby went out to the mall and found me one, the mall apparently was crazy.....I am itching to spend some quality time in my cleaned up studio. New Years eve will be quiet which is the way I like it...I will talk to you all in 2008 and you will see some new art from me.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas is over and the studio is on display

I am back and all the christmas frenzy is just about over. I have taken down my trees and decorations I know early but I like a clean clutter free house. Now I have also did the same in the stuido. I had a declutter this week . Spent all week getting rid of stuff I will never use, organizing the cupboards and drawers. They were not functioning the way I wanted to work. This arch is how you enter the studio, I also share space with the treadmill, which keeps calling me to use it, but I havent answered that call in awhile, New Year coming...

I am lucky to have space to do what I want to away from the family and be able to leave out my mess if I want to, which is very often, I am not a tidy artist. The white cabinet which I really cleaned out I got at IKEA and it is really a handy cabinet.

I cut big watercolour paper on the cabinet with the cutting mat, it is just the right height.

Well that is my studio and the drawers hope you like the tour and I would love to see yours.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Have your finished your shopping

This is an ornament that I have hanging on my tree. Well today I just did not do to much, just lazed around the house. I should have been wrapping the presents but no, I better finish that tommorow. The puppy layed on the couch and napped.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A gift from a generous friend...

As promised the gift I received from the lovely talented Patti Is it not beautiful? It came wrapped in brown paper, stamped and with the tag. I totatlly love it and really came out of the blue, generous spirted and really talented. Go to the side of my blog and you will see a link to her site, wont be disappointed.

Flowers for Christmas

Well I only have one more art peice left, I never did get to Day 25, but did my best....Well today was a day of last minutes, trying to get some sleep, I am having trouble in that department, must be all the stress of christmas. On the 25th I will take a big long sigh and relax...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

2 posts in one night ...

Just wanted to show you a page in my art journal, its good therapy for me, to art journal, plus I love it. You can try out new techniques...

Only 5 more sleeps

Only 5 more sleeps till Santa comes....Wonder what he will bring me....Well today was a cold and crisp day, a day for a little walk for the Sofie the puppy, a day to sleep in, wrap some presents, anc clean the studio a little. I am cleaning so I can take some pictures of it to show on my blog....what did you do today...

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Two days in one post

Missed posting this one yesterday as it was hubby birthday. So out to dinner, then cake at his sisters.
Here is todays and truthfully I think I only have one left, that is all I did. I going to try and upload my picture of pattis gift so you can all see it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Camel Travel...

Alright I know these dont look to much like a camel, but I have never been on one, so this is my rendition. I have been thinking, that I am going to take some pictures of my studio and show you where I work. I always wonder what kind of space everyone has to create in. I love looking at other peoples studios. I am cleaning it up first it is a total mess. Well its my plan to get to bed early tonight so I am off talk to you tommorow. Oh I recieved a surprise in the mail today. Patti set me a beautiful present I will post the pictures of it on my blog. It is to beautiful to explain, the picture will show you...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Countdown begins....

Well today we decorated the house and put up the oranaments on the tree. Dont ask me why it has taken me so long to do this, I am not in the Christmas spirit this year. Plus we have had the tree up for a while with the lights, just testing Sofie the puppy, she hasnt bothered the tree to much, now the oranments time will tell. I have been tagged by Patti Mosca about 7 random things about me. I have done this once already but I tell you 7 new ones.

I met my husband when I was in grade nine

I am the middle child of three girls

My dad and sister both died at age 55 and I am scared I might be next

I was born on St. Patricks Day

I have size 10 feet (I wish I had size 7)

My favourite junk food is French Fries from McDonalds (its the salt)

I went to Europe with my Mother for two weeks on a bus trip
So, now it is my turn to tag, here are the rules and here is who I choose!!

The rules: -Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog.-Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself-Tag 3 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.-Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here is who I tag: Krissie

I dont know how to get the links to work sorry about that.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Stressfilled Saturday

Alright your wondering whats with the Green N, well I cant find the wooden N and no other N is available so I went with the green felt pen......This whole layout is done in white...if I had it to do over again, I would not do it,,but a girl has try new things. Well its getter closer to Christmas, so I am full system alert, trying to close in on finishing the shopping. Hubby and I went out for dinner, he now is sleeping on the couch, the puppy is beside me, sleeping under the computer, the daughter is working, and I should be wrapping instead of here on the computer. So I better get at it. Talk to your tommorow.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Baby its cold outside

I dont drink coffee I am a diet coke girl, morning , noon and night. But I do like to go to Starbucks and have their hot here is my ode to hot chocolate

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Help wanted elfs

Its time to get elved. Just always wanted to say that. Well am making headway in the present department nearing the home stretch. Next year we decided the daughter and I havent told hubby yet. We were chucking it all in and going away for two weeks, enough of this stress we need relaxation and warm weather....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Day 12 and still going....

Well here is day 12, my angel looks like he has had a few....Should he be flying....Well the weather outside is not delightful, the shovel had been getting a good workout, had dinner with my pals and had a good time, I needed to do that being kind of down this week. Having a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Baby its cold outside...

Well here it is day 11 and my swans are swimming, not here, the river is frozen but one can always dream. We put up the christmas tree (we have a fake one) put on the lights and the dog went crazy and that was enough for one night. Tommorow all the decorations around the house and on the tree, some more wrapping of presents, and I think a little resting.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Follow the red nosed.....

I had fun doing this one, didnt want to do the whole crowd, so concentrated only on one. How is your holiday shopping going......mine is not going so great. I had to wrap some of them, so I could remeber who I bought what for, oh well I have a few more days left....

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Chirping a christmas tune...

found this paper amd I think the bird was on it. Just used a little paint, some emblishments, some felt pen and some wooden leters, here it is in all its glory....keep posted I still lots of days left....lets get your inspiration going..

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas marches on ......December 8

this one is a mixed media piece, I found the images on a card, cut them out individually and lined them up. Painted the background, I thought It turned out quite nice. I was going to draw something and paint it, but I decided to try a different way. The day has been very busy with christmas shopping, etc and already I am tired out and it is not christmas yet...still lots to do.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Inspiration Thursday -Ice

This is my Inspiration Thursday rendition of Ice ...Mother and baby bear stuck on a ice berg........and it also works into my Day 7 of the 25 days of Christmas Art.....

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Star of wonder star of light

I quess the image speaks for itself, I must say I like the way this way turned out....Well went to my mothers building christmas party,,,,80 years and up, but I had a good time, and so did my mother which was important. I waiting for Greys Anatomy to start. I have not done any challenges in a while, but am going to start again. Last Inspiration Thursday was way over my head...Well talk to you soon.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A time to remember....

This is a poem that I wrote about a Christmas past in my life.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

2 little girls and there dolls

This is my sister and I in France (where we lived for 3 years) on Christmas day, I was 3 she was5and we got dolls that year and were really excited......

Monday, December 03, 2007

December 3-Mary did you know

Well I created all of these last year I think I did 25, I challenged myself every night to create one, I am telling you I will not do that for awhile. A new set maybe next year, but starting earlier thatn December. I will also post any new pieces of art that I do. I am still working on my art journal. The blocks I have put away for now, I get obessive and cant do anything else so I put them anyway so I can stew over them and try and picture them.

Mixed Media Challenge - Wings

Here is my entry I have made a christmas piece for every day until christmas, please feel free to come and check them all out...

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