Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Life put on long

I hope you all had a great Christmas.  Mine was good, my sister came for Christmas and is here until  January 2010.  We are not doing to  much for New years we are having a big lobster and steak dinner, with escargots as an appetizer.  Just hubby , me, sister and grandma.  The shopper has gone to Florida till January 5.  The weather has been just crappy, cold and snowy, so we have not been doing much.  We did go to a movie today we saw the movie Its Complicated with Meryl Streep it was a pretty good movie I got a few good laughs watching it.  Got a few great presents, Photoshop Elements 8, a huge book on birds, a coach purse from the shopper,books, art gift certificate, cash etc.  So it was pretty good all around.  I have been thinking of the new year, considering not making any resolutiions, never keep them for the whole year anyway, but do want to have goals to reach for.  Not to many going to keep them manageable so I can keep them and they are doable.  Do you make resolutions and do you keep them?  One of my journal pages which I have not shown yet, says LIFE I have put on hold....and that is so true.  I have been putting my life on hold, for so long it's time to get on with what I want .  So that is what my main focus of the year is going to be.  Kick starting my life and gettting off the hold list how about you, is your life on hold>


  1. Krissie at winterwood8:19 PM

    Lee my life has been on hold too for so long that now that I am freeer I still dont know what I want/want to do etc... glad you brought it up and hope you have some ideas on how to tackle this time of life? I am feeling v sad empty nest etc as DD flew back to her home after xmas... its v quiet here and I feel totally unispired to do much at all!

    BTW... HAPPY new year to YOU!!!

  2. My life was on hold for a very long time....while HB and I traveled around the country for his job. Now that we've somewhat settled I feel less like I'm on hold but I still don't know what I want to do!

    I've been away from art for over a month now and I feel very rusty and disconnected.

    Enjoy that terrific New Year's dinner!!

  3. Sandy9:11 AM

    Well it is good to see a post from you!! I have been wondering how your holidays have been going....called a couple of times and then ML reminded me that your sister is there visiting...I hope that you are having a good visit with her and that your Christmas was peaceful...we are having a really great holiday break here with Sherise...last night was a highlight as Sherise and I went on a Moonlight Lantern snowshoe at Larch was so much fun and so beautiful up there...the lanterns lighting the way for us! A quiet New Years for the 3 of us tonight ..she heads back on Saturday night so we are enjoying the last few days...I like your thoughts for the New Year! The years slip by before we know it so enjoy each and every day and make yourself happy from within!!! Cheers to you for a safe, happy and healthy and peaceful New Year my friend! Hugs, Sandy

  4. happy new year, Lee!

    I feel out of place when everyone is talking about goals, words, resolutions...I'll be honest- NOTHING like that over here...just keepin on keepin on :)

    Stay warm


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