Monday, March 31, 2008

Dance Like there is no tommorow

Alright maybe I cant get my legs up quite that high. Again thinking today (really I must stop that) about my life, and what I have done and havent and the choices that I have made bad or good. I decided I am not going to look backwards anymore this new phase of my life forwards only. Regrets there will be none,,I will be happy with what I have which is really great, family, friends, art, and blogging pals.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Little Indulgences

I was down in the art room tonight watching Project Runway and cleaning up, trying to get those creative juices flowing. I thought in 20 years I will look back through this book and what will I learn about myself so I decided to put down my little indulgences and see if they change. Today I spent the afternoon making cards, I belong to a card group that meets once a month and makes cards (Stamping Up) I enjoy making these cards it is very relaxing but will never replace art. But a little distraction and something different.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fish Tales

Well I am back as you can see. Creativity at all time low but working on it. This is a little page I did for my art journal, this did not start out as fish but as circles and this is what evolved. It felt good creating again, when I did Inspiration Thursday, so thought I would try my art journal.....If any of you read or saw the movie "how stella got her groove back", sounds good to me, but alas I am happily married so getting my groove back will be a little different. Here's to getting your groove back.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Inspiration Thursday-Two Peas in a Pod

My take on Two for Inspiration Thursday.....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dry Spell

Well here I am posting with no art to show, and no picture either. I think I might have done this once or twice since I started my blog. I just noticed I have not got a date on this blog that I just redid, I will try and fix that. I had a glorious Easter, the weatther was ok, but lots of resting and cooking for family. My mother was staying the weekend with us and fell. Now if she was 40 no problem but she is nearly 80 so it was a problem. She fell on Friday night and stayed in bed all day and night on Sunday, would not go to the doctor. On sunday she made it downstairs and had easter supper and then I took her home. She wanted to go home, she lives in a seniors home, with no stairs etc. She seems on the mend, a cracked rib, still wont go to the doctor. Other than that we had a turkey for the family , mothers , cousins and had a really nice time. I did not take one picture which is not like me..Well I have hit a dry spell with the art am going down to the studio tommorow to try and create something will keep you informed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I feel spring coming on...

I did this on watercolour paper of course with watercolours. I feel spring in the air, new blog page, did you proud I am did it all by myself. Told my boss today about retiring as of April 3 and the weather today is perfect. All is well in my world. I have a puppy barking at me to play with her so I am off might post a little later....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ikea Art

The ladies are an art card that I picked up at IKEA. I love their cards. I picked up the board at Michael's 1.50, it had a cup painted on it I think. I gessoed the board, distressed and painted it, used gel to glue everything down, painted and wiped etc, added some Asian inspired stamps I have and here is my new art piece. I love how it turned out all for about $2.00 I am including the art card. The board has a wire with beads on it, very nice.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Today is the next half of the rest of my life.;...

That is right today is my birthday. Now normally I would not mention it but it is an important birthday for me. I am now going to be able to do what I want when I want (by the end of the month for sure). Create art at all hours. I felt great trepidation about this day.
1. Because my family seems to all check out at this age.
2. Because really I have worked all my life or at least 35 years of it and thought
I would feel adrift without it.
3. I thought to myself I dont want to get older.

Well there is no more birthdays after this one......I have put a freeze on them. My doctor says I should be around for a few more years. And I feel that I have so much more to give of me that I dont need to get paid for. I want to volunteer, I want to take painting classes, I want to lunch with friends, stay out late and not worry about work in the morning. Be able to get up in the morning and sit on the deck and read the paper at lesisure and much more. So much more to look forward to and I am...This card was made for me by my talented friend Sandy...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Outside My Window-Jen Worden Challenge

Ok I have posted this before it is from my art journal. Jen wordens challenge this week for outside of your window, like outside of her window it is a winter wonderland. We have a big dump of snow last night. So I decided to show this again, something I wish was outside of my window. This is a mixed media outside of my window.

Friday, March 14, 2008

X-Ray Vision

I chose the colour inkblot number 5. I immediately saw this picture in my mind.
If you dont get it, she is having an x-ray.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Doodling in my moleskin

Yes I do have a moleskin journal. Just like the millions of people out there. This is my first, I have used other small art journals in my purse, but I really like this one. It just feels right, so when it feels right you just got to go with it. I went and had a hot chocolate today at Starbucks and was doodling and here it is. Now I am going to use my gel pens that I carry in purse and fix it up. I love to doodle ,

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jen Wordens Challenge-Finish up an old project

Well those of you who read my blog have seen this girl before. I have had her hanging around the studio unfinished for ages. I dont know why probably because I was unhappy with her. That is why I never did the other side. So I took the challenge just to get her finished I only had a few things left. I added a stencil some paint etc. Then I got the brian wave to use wax. Okay my first time and probably my last, I did not like the way it looked. Then I tried scrapping the wax off, and ended up with this. So here she is in all her glory, scrapped and faded and looking like she has been in a fight for her life. Lets just say she is going in the back of the closet....Any tips on using wax would be helpful for next time...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kitchen Art-Inspire me thursday

Inspire me thursday is all about the kitchen so here is mine.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I would love to be able to create portraits of people and make them look like them. I need much more practice as you can tell from this pastel. First time I have used pastels, the jury is out if I like them or not. Went to my fav store today IKEA bought a dresser for a bedroom, my daughters, she had one but decided it was to old (she paid for it) and a few other goodies, cant leave there without buying something. This week did not enter any challenges, Inspire me Thursday I could not think of one thing. Well I should go clean up a bit, talk to you tommorow.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Odds and Ends

Well this is the card box that I made, I think it turned out okay for the first try. Now I have to get something in it.This is a recipes box that I got in the 1.50 bin at Michael's, I painted it, and did the picture on it, and I am going to put some rubons on it. I don't know what I am going to keep in it yet.
And the last picture is of some background paper that I am making for the art journal that I am keeping. I was busy down in the studio tonight, I am making a 4x9.5 inch journal so I was painting and cutting watercolour paper to get it ready. Painting the paper etc. I had quite a productive night so that makes me happy. It is snowing out as I type. Just when you think spring might be coming our way, mr. winter comes back. Well I have rambled on about nothing for to long dont want to bore you so talk to you all tommorow.

I have been tagged....

Tonight there will be two posts...this one and the other with some pics and such. I have been tagged by Karine and by Patti. What you are suppose to do is name 7 things that people don't know about you and pass it on to 7 other people. All the people who I would have passed it onto have been tagged already. So if you want to be tagged by me just let me know or consider yourself tagged. Here are 7 things...

1. I do not drink coffee, nor does my husband or daughter.
We all drink diet coke. I know diet drinks can destroy your brain cells and put weight on you. But I love it and will not give it up.

2. I am the one in the family who does all the electronics - setting them up,getting them to work husband is electronics challenged.

3. I love to blog, I love to read other peoples blogs..I find them all interesting.

3. I am really interested in American politics - and I am Canadian I find the system fascinating

4. I am a reader. I can finish a book in one night....cant put it down once I start stay up until I have finished the book. I am a night owl.

5. I used to smoke a pack a day and quit cold turkey 10 years ago and I am glad I did.

6. I love to take pictures....of every event. My relatives and friends can tell you I am that annoying person who always is snapping pictures.

7. I did not learn to drive until I was 22 my husband did not teach me, my good girl friend did and that is why I am still married to this day.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Chipboard Purse for CArds made by Hand

Check this little beauty out made by my friend Sandy. She came over to the studio on Saturday and we both made from scratch this chipboard box. I mean from scratch, told a few hours but well worth the time and effort, Hers looks great, I have not taken a picture of mine yet but will post tommorow. We found a pattern on line and we decided to give it a go. Something new to try .......

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