Sunday, December 30, 2007

Its not the New York Times

Today was all about family, resting, talking, revisting when we were young, remembering my Older sister.My mother, me and my younger sister(who is visiting)it really helped us all. We all went out tonight for Chinese food and had a great time. My sister leaves tommorow for home and I will miss her....The newspaper is for my art..hubby went out to the mall and found me one, the mall apparently was crazy.....I am itching to spend some quality time in my cleaned up studio. New Years eve will be quiet which is the way I like it...I will talk to you all in 2008 and you will see some new art from me.


  1. A wonderful paper perhaps to make something for chinese new year? Coming soon! or for one of the challenges that we like to do in the new year? Happy new years Lee!!!

  2. Happy New Year and I can't wait to see your art!


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