The street team challenge is Scent of the Season. I love perfume all kinds. Cant wear it much hubby is allergic. But my fav is Chanel. Hope you like it. It looks like she has Octapus arms... Happy New year
I started out by starting to sketch my slipper. The slipper did not turn out so instead I made the slipper into a dog dont ask me how....This is sofie, I made her look like this on purpose. Because truthfully I cant make her look like herself....though she is a little overweight and on a diet..which she does not like. But she will thank me in years to come when she still has her hips. Now I hope she can do the same for me. Well tonight we are out to dinner with friends.we are going to have the Sienfiled special. For those of you who ever watched Senifield the parents eat early/ Then we are going back to some firends for a movie and will be probablly in bed before new years eve like usual. So have a great new years and see you all in 2009.
I have been reading Danny Gregory An Illustrated Life. I love it. I used to sketch all the time and somehow got out of the habit and I have now decided to go back to it. Here is a quick 2 minute sketch that I did. I did not allow myself to fix anything I just sketched and had to be happy with the way it turned out.
yesterday was all about family. We had a family dinner at my sister inlaws and did a gift exchange and just had a blast. We came home full and tired and just chilled by the fire and watched a movie. Today (Sunday is all about cleaning the house and getting things back to the way they were. This is page out of my journal.
Well Christmas was great and I am glad its over, its very tiring. Today in Canada we had Boxing Day ...its kinda like Black Friday only not quite that good. Everyone goes out and buys what they really wanted for Christmas and didnt get at a lower price. Lately those Boxing day sales have been on way before Christmas to get people in the buying mood. I got everything I wanted and more. I got the new DAnny Gregory Book...and I have been browsing through it. Well thats it ..I posted a journal page I did tonight while watching Hancock which by the way is great. I did not think I would like it and I loved it. My dog (she is much better looking in person) looks like she was floating in the air, really she was laying down when I sketched her,I need to work on that a bit more.
The presents are unwrapped, the turkey has been had, the turkey soup is on the stove. And this is the last page of the Christmas Journal. I wont say I wont be glad its done, but its a good keepsake to look at in the years to come. I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Yes I am behind again....but almost finished thank god. Been really busy with Christmas stuff trying to get everything done. I thought I was well ahead of the game but you know when you think your ahead your really behind. The weather here has been really nasty and cold and really a bad time to be go out on the roads really icy but you got to get that last present (lol). Well I am done shopping no more fighting the mob for me, if I forgot something it was never meant to be anyway.
Inspire Thursday is all about Misltoe this week. This is my first attempt at mixing my art with a digital element the mistletoe. I think it turned out pretty good for a first attempt.
<>No this is not me, (the baby) its hubby and its his birthday. Could not find one in his birthday suit (lol) has to settle for this one. He always get short changed due to his birthday being so close to Christmas. I have been mega posting today all caught up now and ready to post Inspire me Thursday.
I decided I needed to work in my journal. But now I am having issues with pens writing in it. I am off today in search of a few pens that will write over acrylic paint.
If you dont know who she is I dont blame you, she is my rendition of Mary. I am finding it harder and harder to do this thank goodness its almost over. Its not the actual doing it thinking of what to do.
Well I am now caught up, as Krissie says in her blog....why did I think this would be fun. Well let me tell you its alot of hard work, Christmas everyday for 25 days in the busy time of year..I should have my head examined. Oh well I will have a lasting memory for sure. Well let me explain a bit about the pictures. The First one you see is Christmas at the Mall, I just happened to be there Christmas Shopping and decided that this would make a nice entry in my book. Of course you cant see the throng of people pushing and shoving, trying like me to get the last minute stuff done Now these are about the bake exchange. I alwlays have good intentions to take great pictures but then I forget and just have fun, and then remember the camera when it is to late. This page is a memory page of a certain song I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus. It bring back memories of my childhood. This is suppose to be about our tree but for the life of me I could not get a good picture of the tree, so I settled for favourite oranments. <