Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Secret Guest Blogger today

Hey, you guys who are reading this blog, its me Sophie, aka Devil dog.  I don't know where she ever came up with that name for me, because I think of myself as quite a nice good girl.  Anyway today I am blogging because Mama or the owner of me, I like to call her Mama because she is the only one in the house who takes really good care of me.  Anyway today she is busy with her own Mama they are in the kitchen cooking, by the way that is where I should be because I like to be there just in case they drop anything.  I heard them say they are baking today, cookies, rice krispy squares, and buns.  Her Mama is staying for supper, she is pretty nice to me and sneaks me food when no one is watching.  I just wanted to say that Mama spends way to much time doing art or on the computer checking blogs, when she could be playing with me.  I am just saying what's better than playing and spending all her time with me, I am fun. so all the dogs say at Daycare.  Well gotta go, she said she will be back to regular posting tomorrow, by the way the picture she did does not do me justice, I am much prettier.  Oh OH I think I just heard something drop on the floor gotta go......

Sophie (devil dog)


  1. You are just so funny....I think Sophie is adorable. I always get a nice surprise when I visit your blog.

  2. haha. you are in good company sophie, my dogs also think I spend too much time on the computer.

  3. HAHA I think I would be right there with you on the floor too if I knew all that baking was going on. Smart dog!


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