Wednesday, April 25, 2012


i did this little guy with a black watercolour brush and white-out in two minutes, and it looks like it.  I was doing these sketching exercises where i give myself a time to do a sketch without pencil or pen, with another medium like a watercolour brush.  So two minutes of art this was the best one, and that's not saying much.
Here is a question for you, when you join an on-line class, do you participate in class say Flickr group, or there chat.  I must admit I do not, its not because I think I am better it's just like i feel like they all know each other and then you just join in, and your that person who was in school the last to be picked.  Okay that's me and my insecurities showing through.  I can talk a mile a minute here, but get me somewhere on-line, no chatter from this girl.  I can chatter quite well, on the street, anywhere, even if I don't know you but on line, i feel awkward.


  1. Hi Lee. Loved the bird whether it took two mins or not! Must make more time for arting again, I've still fallen off the wagon at the moment. As for awkward. I'm afraid I find groups difficult offline or online. I'm what they call shy and socially awkward but I'm working on it. One of the ways I like to work on it is to practice in ecourses, I will usually join a flickr group and post just enough to be participating and practicing social interaction. It depends also on how big the online group is and how private. I get what you say completely. In everyday life I can speak to strangers in the street, manage at work quite well if it's not social situations. Online it is a little bit more difficult as often things you type can be misconstrued if you are not careful and there is no instant freedback or rapport. Difficult!

  2. I'd like to chime in and say that with every membership, I HOPE with all my heart that the students participate. I feel that you don't get your monies worth if you don't....I know that we have a safe environment... on our network I encourage everyone's participation. I hope that you can jump in one day...if not in my class, in any. :)

  3. I really like this painting, Lee! I can't believe you did it in just two minutes. I try to participate in Flickr and Facebook and all that for the eCourses I do, but sometimes I just find it difficult to keep up with it all and still do the actual lessons for the class!

  4. Two minutes and you've created a very cool bird! I like it.

    As for classes, I seldom participate in the online discussions. Like you, I feel many of them are rather cliquish and I'm the odd one out.

  5. have you ever tried doing a drawing with one line, not taking your pen of the paper? try it in 2 minutes.

  6. I totally know that "last to class" feeling. Like I have no right to bust right into this happy little family. and why the hell would they want to hear what I have to say anyway? I don't comment on blogs that have 5 billion followers for similar reasons. (plus I'm a freak). and then there's all the responsibility that goes with being social - if someone comments my work I feel I'd better thank them and go visit their work and comment on that. and then I've spent all evening on social obligations with people I don't know instead of making art. but then I see people having so much fun in these groups and making great friends and think "I want to have that much fun and make great friends" and then I continue to completely overthink it and ramble on and on :)

  7. Hi Lee...I don't participate very often when I'm in a group. I like your little guy...he's quite unique!

  8. As a rule I tend to "lurk" in class as I used to in reading blogs. It stems from the insecurity of not thinking my work is good enough to post. I have commented a few times and posted work once. I know I'm not getting the full experience by interacting with others but what can I say--it is what it is!!

  9. Over at face book it is so much more different and more of a relax state than those of online chat rooms such as over at yahoo if they still have them there yet, I stop going to those type of public chat rooms ages ago due to too much foul words being use there, as well as so many of those so call hookers as I call them, it seems all they ever are looking for is sex so I gave up on those kinds of chat rooms.

    What I like about facebook is the gamers with whom I can relate with who likes the same kinds of games as I do and all we talk about is the games we are playing, offering tips and the such.

    I think it is hard to paint a bird using just a brush first. You did a good job on that bird.

  10. I go with Karens answer..I like to see what others paint, when I am in an online class, but missed every chat, because I am not a fan of big words... my words are my colors ;)
    love your little mister-black-and-white :)


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