Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Heads above us.....

I love to draw animals, much more forgiving than faces.
Some more oldies but goodies my take on
today was all about an art journaling course I am taking at my favourite store, once a month
having a sour cream donut at Tim Hortons,I know its bad but its my treat
Have bbq salmon to make up for being bad
enjoying the fantastic weather
wearing capris first time this year
spring cleaning the basement,
having all the windows open and breathing in spring
so what's up with you?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

My Process

I have been going thru some old art that I keep
on a flash drives.  And I thought I should tell
my readers my process, maybe  I am doing something
that is done an easier way than I am doing it.  So here is my process
because I know you are all dying to know:
first I create the art
I scan all my artwork
then on Photoshop elements, I brighten things up
and then save it up on my hard drive under
folders I have created, this one was in a
folder called animals, I have some called birds
abstract, faces, etc you get the drift.  When I have
to much on my hard drive, I transfer it over
to my flash drives.  I figure if my hard drive ad
every crashes, and it has, I have not lost anything, its
all on those flash drives, pictures included.  How do
you back up your work?

Saturday, April 25, 2015

It all about the color.....

Hey welcome to  my blog
I am in a great mood today
its all about going with a good friend and getting our feet pampered
a little art and ikea shopping
Chinese food tops off the evening, and not all with the same friend
don't you love it when the day totally works out great
So I guess today the diet gets the back bench because
who can eat Chinese food and stay on a diet
this little peek of my art is an old one but one of my favourites
so since I am in charge of me and my blog, you get to see some oldies but goodies
what are you doing that is fun today, and if your not go out and do something

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday art and Tuts

Well its Friday and I found some great tuts,

Some pictures and some great ideas when making envelopes with your sewing machine

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The window postcards

One  more example of my window postcards, I actually did quite a few
when I made them, and sent them out to friends .
Do you think that Blogs are dying, now that people post
on Instagram and Facebook,?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A tut for you....

This one is going into illustration Friday its all about Windows there.  I love this technique and have made many like this, so I thought I would share.  First you get whatever size of substrate you want to create on, this is postcard size.  Then what I did
was draw, and paint, on it, then on top of that I cut out a piece of tracing paper, or some kind of paper you can see thru, my old mind cant think of the name of the paper and put it on top of your design, then
drew on that and  painted, or markers or what ever you want to use, sometimes I
used my sewing machine around the edges, sometimes tape, whatever you have on hand.  I cant remember where I saw this done, or I would credit the person with it.

Monday, April 20, 2015

collage questions

This is an oldie but goodie but it was one of my first.so I have a soft spot in my heart for it.
When making a collage I do have a hard time.  I always think it has to tell some kind of story be cohesive.  When you make a collage does anything block your process,enquiring minds want to know


Saturday, April 18, 2015


I quess you can tell I like color , I do it makes my heart sing
its really windy today but warm
I am in the studio today the shopper and I are putting the
finishing touches on a project she is making for a
baby shower
tonight I am making fish tacos(hope they turn out)
going to the bakery in a few to get some freshly baked rye bread
been tracking my food and exercise on My fitness pal
lost 2 lbs its a start
listening to Pink on my IPOD she gets me moving
we went and bought a new BBQ yesterday,
and that's about it for now
stay tuned I am sure my life will somehow get more exciting

Friday, April 17, 2015

Mish mash Friday and tuts

This is #11 in my series.  Going slower than expected but at least it's still going. The trouble with me is I can't work on more than two things at one time.  I wish I could have 10 things on the go.

Well today I have a few things to share so let's get to it

The first one is a canvas done with a different technique I am going to try

Canyou make art in 15 minutes

You probably all know this blog but I love it for many reasons first the design this is what I would love my blog to look like.  Lots of great info how tos many different topics it keeps you interested.
If you have never been here walk around and see what I mean


This blog post is something I think is worth sharing with you it made me sit up and think
Have a read and see what you think


this week at its all about jungue journals , it makes you want to make one right now


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

a burning question for you

today was lunch with a friend
browsing pinterest for color ideas
clean up in the studio
brain storming ideas for the 100 art projects
back to swimming, no hot tub ever again for me
getting a haircut
and thinking maybe your bored with this blog, do I post to much
with nothing to say
that's the burning question of the day

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I wanna go downtown....

I am trying out a new girl.  New view, not face on, side view.  You have to know how\
to draw every view.  Anyone her name is Edith, and is looking for a fellow.  That's why she put on her best dress and hat.  I hope she finds one, because I am tired of her talking about it.

Today is the Dentist, I think my crown is falling out, I hope not.  Then its off to the
library.  Last week Dan sat beside me, and told me his life story.  I think he thought
I was his mother.  He was not   too crazy so I listened politely.  My daughter says I
attract talkative people, must be my aura (lol).  I know, I read my life and think, god
I need to get a life.

lee  linking tohttp://mix-it-monthly.blogspot.ca/2015/03/april-2015-city-village.html

Monday, April 13, 2015

i know a cardinal

Going back to swimming today
Getting my hair cut today
Would definitely make the skinny beef enchiladas delicious 
Leftovers tonight
I love Cardinal birds
On my iPod today fifty shades of grey soundtrack
I am on Instagram but have not figured the whole hashtag thing


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Castle news

 I am liking working 6x6 for the project
not to big or small just right
making beef enchiladas for dinner
what's with the weather, cold, warm, cold 
only thing I bought yesterday was a new summer sweater
its it the way you have money to burn and you cant find anything you like
when you have no money in your pocket you can find a million things
okay you have suffered enough reading this crap
go out and enjoy your spring

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Just zooming around

making progress on my blog notice new header
what do you think
working on my 100 art projects this is 9
making skinny beef enchiladas for dinner
hitting IKEA this afternoon for a look at there frames
the tax man did not take all my money, got my refund yesterday god bless the tax man
wondering what to spend it on
lunch yesterday at great restaurant with my friend Gayle
Fish tacos all around and guess what I like edamane beans now thanks Gayle for
showing me the error of my ways
cruising around blogland
posting to instagram, are you on tell me I will friend you
Okay money is burning a hole in my pocket talk to you soon

participating in this months cities/villages challenge at

Friday, April 10, 2015

friday blogs and tuts

Number 7, before you know it I will only have 90 to go.
Synchronized swimmers if you cant tell (lol)
where my mind goes when I create these I wonder sometimes
Beautiful day out, meant for a long walk with my ipod in my ear
and Seal blasting


a journal page, worthy watching

a very cool idea

Another book with gelli prints, love it

Also linking today to

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

oh starry night

I know you probably saying is that all she does birds and houses.  Well I do like drawing birds, I want to be able to draw them in my sleep.  That's how you get better at drawings, you draw and draw till you  draw it in your head.
I went to Michaels today, actually its not my favourite place, I think they are way overpriced, they did have a 50 percent coupon, but that's not why I went.  They had some of there watercolour pads on three for the price of 1, and I could not
resist that, I go through watercolour books like crazy, I like the strength and
that they can take a lot of wet.  So I bought some, resisted the coupon and walked out of the store.  Do I need anything else, no, could I have bought more of course.
That's what is called willpower, okay where is my willpower hiding when
I am in the cookie department

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Beam me up number 6

Number 6, and working on number 7
picked up a friend at airport today
library, I must look like someone you can talk to a guy told me his life story
going back swimming on monday
rash is gone, no longer will I frequent the hot tub
did you know I am on instagram and facebook link on top
still trying to update the blog, lucky I save the original because it isn't working out for me
reading posts on how to get more traffic to your blog, but do I need more traffic
and why
going out for lunch with my art friend on Thursday
 tomorrow she is retiring from her job (way to go)
been taking pictures with my ipod./ipad, but think my camera is better
Do you have Iphone, I do not I just have a flip phone, that's all I need
the shopper has all the bells and whistles but I am not 26
ok I think I will go watch the Voice

Monday, April 06, 2015


hope you all had a great Easter.  Its still a holiday for some, government people, bank people, people with unions.  Others have to work.  I took a break from blogging yesterday, did no art, just hung around and read some books, thought about my
creative projects, thought about if I have the time to join Fake Journal you can read about it here if you don't know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mISEZfZf170
thinking about what journal I would use, my character, would I post it.  Have not decided anything yet.  Browsed a great organizional video for Friday.  Pretty well
did nothing.  I like those days where you don't get much accomplished but your rested.  Today I am making chicken soup, tidying up a little around here, and maybe doing some art.  What are you up to?

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Coat of Armour

I entered this into Illustration Friday the theme this week
is Warrior, since I was creating these 100 I thought why
not so this is what I came up with.  First the horse is
to small for the warrior.  His coat of armour suit,
looks like it would not hold up to one dust up with the
other warriors.  And lets not get into his body
he needs some exercise before he should be
allowed to fight.  Plus coat of armour is silver.  But
I didn't have any, so black it is.  I call this
Man in Black (Johnny cash would be rolling in his grave)

PS the little dots on the armour is suppose to be mesh

Friday, April 03, 2015

friday Mish Mash blogs and tuts

 Title:  The egg seller
  it seems the background is competing with the drawings I tried
to tone it down.  Hopefully as I do more they will get better.
The shopper is coming over later today to sew .  We are making
burp cloths, the quilt is made.  These are for a baby gift for her friend.  The friend is due when she is away in new York so she wants to have them all ready to give to
her before she goes.

here are some great links that I found this week

don't you love studio tours, I do and here's one to oh and ah over

making a page from a magazine picture, this I like then you don't have to draw

This is a tut by one of Donna Downeys artist gang, its very interesting, just to see the process, give it a try

collage postcards, I think you need to make me one

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Its all about foreign lands

You know how I said you would not have to suffer through all my 100 art works (that is if I get to a 100) well I changed my mind, because they are all going to
be different, again changed my mind, no theme, its whatever I want to create.
I breaking all the rules baby, but still the same size 6x6 not to big, not to small just right (just like goldilocks).  Today was lunch with the neighbour, tonight was all about rocking the leftovers (I hate leftovers lucky the hubster will eat anything). 
Thinking about cooking a ham on Sunday for Easter everyone else I know
is cooking a turkey, but we have not had Ham in along time.  Do you
like scalloped potatoes, I am cooking those as well.  What are you cooking for easter.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

March wrap up.....

No 2 Into the wild
I not to proud of this one but it is what it is
A month in review:
Had a birthday not aging anymore
blogged 29 times
made some good art
made some bad art
tried some great new skinny recipes
didn't lose any weight
didn't gain any weight
had two weeks off swimming because of a rash, still have it
never going in the hot tub again
got some art printed at the printers was very happy with work
got some mats to mat my work
making baby steps toward my goal of selling my work
went to the Doctor taking pills for high cholesterol
bought some much needed new clothes
cleaned my closet of old clothes and gave some to good will
put away all winter coats and brought up spring coats
saw a couple of bad movies

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