Friday, May 04, 2012

Blog Talk

This is a 2fer, its a postcard I made for a swap, and since its flowers, its for the Flower Challenge.  I use a painted background that I did in acrylics, and the flowers and the outline of the bowl was done in markers, they worked the best on this pre painted paper I found.

 Today i have been blog surfing and reading some new and old blogs, and learning some new art techniques. I  was reading a blog about blogging, ( i would give you the link but I cant find it now) , and gave some tips on blogging and not getting burnt out.  Because don't you sometimes say to yourself , geez why do I blog,  So her advice  was step back, and remember why you first started to blog.  Why doesn't it bring you joy now, what have you been doing different since you started your blog to make you think you want to quit .  It might be your expectations have not been met. 

 When I first started my blog five years ago, i started it for me, to document my life and my journey into an artful life.  A life i wanted now that I was not working.  I had no expectations on how many people would read my blog.  Now five years later, I feel that I am doing what I set out to do.  And still feel joy when people comment on my blog, but don't get me wrong there are some days that I wake up and think i should quit that blog.  But i know that if I did i would miss it and all of you.  So today s question is when you started your blog what expectations did you have?


  1. I can barely remember my expectations when I started my blog back in 2005. I think mostly I just wanted to connect with people who liked the same things I liked...and that's what has happened. There are times when I briefly think about quitting but, like you said, I'd miss all my blog friends. My blog is part of my life now.

  2. kim (ginheartart)10:38 PM

    More great flowers, Lee...and i LOVE the background. My blog is like a newborn child, fresh, fasinating and will share more as it gets older!

  3. Hi Lee...I was like you...I wanted to document my art as I grow. I can back to the beginning and see how my art has changed.
    Yes, more lovely flowers!

  4. HI Lee, yes blog writing. MAJOR IMPACT in my life, can read it everyday - smiles, Anke :)

  5. Thanks for joining in my May Flower your flowers.

  6. Love this, Lee. Love the background.

  7. That's a good question, Lee! The very first time I started blogging, it was to keep my mom up to date on my kids. She was the only one who read it! But that changed radically when I made a commitment, like you, to live an artful life. Those efforts took me into swaps and courses and challenges that introduced me to all kinds of wonderful people, and some of them even started visiting me on my blog. It has been more than I had ever hoped for!


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