Saturday, November 05, 2011


I know you probably thinking is that all she ever does is birds, I promise
you i will do other things, I am getting a little sick of it to.
But I had a good time with this one, I kind of made him
look like peeling paint, or molting, i used tiny scraps of handmade
paper, and glue, and white out, and black pen.


  1. I'm not tired of seeing your birds! Plus just think of all the people who only do faces (like me!)'s the same thing. Do what makes you happy.

    I clicked on for a close-up and the bird looks so textural. Plus I love the background too.

  2. Not sick of your birds either.. you always make each one look different and unique!

  3. I love your bird. I need to go and look for more.
    Did you find the tutorial?


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