Saturday, October 01, 2011

is it a chicken or a turkey

Well watching the football game with hubby, and pretending to be interested, I was
fooling around in by book that I use for everything, and created this page,
and used some watercolor on it.  Our Thanksgiving in Canada is on the 11, so
dreams of turkey have been circulating in my head.  These birds do
not look anything like a turkey, but I funkified them and they are now
my version.  Note I used the funkified word again, now its mine.
So if you ever hear it again, think of me.


  1. I love this page! it cracks me up. your funkified fowl are fantastic.

  2. "Funkified Turkey" Love even at how it sounds too! Love your Turkey/Chicken Style too.

  3. Hi Lee, lol, that reminds me on my bike rides, I always pass some turkeys mixed with chickens....they are for sure some 'funkified chickens' in real life, lol!
    Thanks for sharing!!! Hope the turkey dream won't hunt you anymore!
    Smiles, Anke :)

  4. Who cares which it is if it's as funkified as you make it. I like everything about this page.

    You made me laugh when you said you were pretending to be interested in the football game. You're much nicer than I am. I just go off to the studio and leave HB to watch all on his own.

  5. "Fowl play"--haha! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

  6. we had a huge grand fottblal final here yesterday and I AM the one who loves and watches it while DH went out to garden! lol... love your turkeys... I dont think we have live ones here! never seen one here !

  7. Really great drawings. I like the colors. Love your word "funkified".

    I like college football and watch certain teams, but after two games in one day, my eyes glaze over and I wander off to do other things.


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