Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Face and favourite links.....

well here it is Friday already the week passing by quickly
before I retired I always wondered how I would pass my days
now I wonder how I ever had time to work
when you are retired, you do things on your own time
what you don't do today you can do tomorrow
I have been surfing the net again and on Friday's I want to
restart sharing some of my favorite's I have found during the week
so without further ado here are some of the favorites I found

this is a great site I just found, she shares her love of drawing with you

this is a great video she uses a gelli plate, with stencils then makes a bag out of it

my favourite artist jane davies great vid



  1. I love how the line patterns in her hair mirror the line patterns in her dress. And the yellow in her gives such a nice spark and pop of color!

  2. I've been busier since I've retired than when I worked. There seems to be so much more going on now.

    Thanks for the links. I'm heading over to check them out now.

  3. This retirement thing is great. I agree how did I have time to work.

  4. Hi all the faces you having been drawing. I really planned to do 29 faces this time...but, you know, life stuff came up. I'm finally getting back to doing some art again. Thanks for the links...will check them out!

  5. I'm with you about retirement: I seemed to have more time before! And I'm enjoying, as always, your work. Thanks for taking the time to find and post your links. I enjoyed them, especially the drawing one. Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!


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