Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday and I feel good

today sun is shining
finishing off the trade pictures
making chicken quesadilla and salad for dinner
going to watch a movie
what are you up to this Saturday


  1. Nothing fun here! I'm starting to clean house. My daughter and her friend will be here on Friday. Not much art getting done right now.

    You have sun and we're cloudy.

  2. Cleaning up after the art party.
    Grocery shopping and getting my prescription for contacts to be dropped off... I've been stuck in my glasses for weeks now.
    And then either we are headed up to Denver to the art museum or taking a hike in the mountains... whichever my hubby wakes up wanting to do.

  3. I just spent 6 hours reorganizing my art room, and now I'm headed for a nap! Tonight I will sort and organize a daunting pile of art related paper while I watch a movie with the family. might even get around to blogging about the whole mess!

  4. saturday?? hello its sunday here already we are one day ahead!! lol... saturday was a busy day with cleaning and today - yes more cleaning as we count down to the wedding!

  5. I commented in the post below but I wanted to tell you that I love these black and white great the way you put things together on a page!


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