Monday, November 03, 2014

The art of abstraction


Yesterday I took an abstraction painting class,
we did 2 paintings.  The other one you will see tomorrow.
This is the first one, done with teals, red oxide, white
and a hint of yellow, black ink, what do you think?
Its quite a big canvas, I don't know if I have a future in
the abstraction field, but I had fun doing it.


  1. AMAZING.. I adore the colors Lee!

  2. Stunning I LOVE it...maybe it will fit in your renovated kitchen! Can't wait to see the next one!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Wow, you even master the abstract way of painting. It's really beautiful, Lee. I like both colors and shapes. Looking forward to the next. Really well done.

  4. lee this is great - you would be a great abstract painter!!!!!

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Hi Lee...Looking forward to seeing the other painting...this one is fabulous!!!

  6. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je pense que l'essentiel c'est de vous faire plaisir et de laisser aller votre ressenti... J'aime beaucoup les nuances de couleurs.
    Toutefois, sincèrement j'ai toujours un peu de mal avec l'art abstrait...

    Gros bisous ☂


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