Thursday, June 30, 2011
Arty Statements
I can't believe its the last day of the month and I have posted every day but 1.....these index cards sure do keep you on track in the posting department. Well today I am going nowhere. the shopper had to have her car towed to the garage and she took mine to work. If you have noticed I am changing up the blog again, trying to make it more reader friendly, easier on the eye.
I have been taking a course over at on how to make a funky journal. Ok I am going to admit I have taken many book making courses and have as yet to make one. So on that note I went back to a course that I took from on making a journal, and watched the videos again, and am going to try and get this one done. I also have decided to become accountable and show you week to week the progress I have made. All the courses I have taken are great, lots of great content and information, but have I done anything in any of these courses no. I am a course junkie I have decided, and I am going to hold a moratorium on taking any more until I make something from each course I have taken. Now remember I said that... I have taken two from and made nothing, her teaching style is great, great videos, what the hell is the matter with me. I am embarrassed to admit there are many more, I am not listing. So that is going to be my focus till the end of the year, as well as finish my index cards till the end of august, paint the fabric I have sketched on, work on my art journals. Do you think I can do it? Hell yes
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I will remember you
Today is my mothers birthday, she would have been 83 and I wish she was still here. Sometimes I will pick up the phone to tell her something and remember she is gone. All told she lived a good life and was a happy and positive person. When my dad died she was 55 and never was interested in another man, she always said "when you have had the best why would you want someone else". She lived in Vancouver most of her life, and I lived in a different province, but I saw her every year at least twice and phoned her long distance everyday. When my sister passed away there was nobody left in Vancouver, all her friends had passed away. I told her it was time to move here.And she did, and never looked back. I loved having the time with her and we had 4 great years together.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Old sayings are the best
Well today hot and sunny
yesterday sanded down some paint pages
make index card
started to make a art book
today making meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas for dinner
going to Winners to look for new muffin pans
a few groceries
a little laundry
some sitting on the deck and enjoying the weather
and some gesso on some paint pages
what are you doing today
Monday, June 27, 2011
Monday Quote
This is one of my favourite quotes. Its shows that artists admire other artists work. I used on my card a painted background, and old file card, I hope you like it. Not much going around here, the art I wanted to never got done, life seems to get in my way to much. I guess I could never be one of those people who work out of there house. I would always be doing something else than work. Somehow I have to devise a schedule that lets me do some art every day for a 4 hour period. So should i get up early, get everything done, and then go to the studio till dinner. Or do everything I need to do and then go to the studio. I will have to try both and see what works for me, or be flexible.
I had a pretty good weekend, I heard from my blog friend Gayle, who I have been meaning to phone and thankfully she phoned me. We are going to get together soon.
so what did you do this weekend?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
folliow the leader
Well thanks for all the nice comments, and glad you still want to see my index cards and hear about my life, because what else could I talk about. I gonna tell you a little secret, I have been making index cards like crazy and am now into August just about finished. I didn't want to worry about not having any created for a certain day. No art created yesterday, except a few index cards. My plan was to make art, but best laid plans never work out. Hubby was home, so we did a bunch of stuff around here, we went over and cut our friends lawn who broke his leg and did stuff like that. Today I have a pot of chili on the stove, I made it for my friends (the broken leg couple) to take over for them. He did all the cooking in the house, God why couldn't I have married a man like that. The shopper is coming over and we are off to Winners to spend some of hubby's hard earned money, then home to do some art.......the weather is cold and rainy, not much else to do.
I am in that downsizing mode again where I think that we have to much stuff (not in my art room) so I have been busy sorting cupboards and taking stuff to the goodwill. I ordered to blinds for the main floor room, and am getting new carpet for upstairs in the bedrooms and the stairs. And got them to make area rugs the same for the living room and dining room, so cant wait to see what that looks like. They said installation in a couple of weeks.
Whats on your weekend schedule.
I am in that downsizing mode again where I think that we have to much stuff (not in my art room) so I have been busy sorting cupboards and taking stuff to the goodwill. I ordered to blinds for the main floor room, and am getting new carpet for upstairs in the bedrooms and the stairs. And got them to make area rugs the same for the living room and dining room, so cant wait to see what that looks like. They said installation in a couple of weeks.
Whats on your weekend schedule.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Are you sick of me yet
Are you sick of hearing about my life? Well i am sick of talking about it. So its short and sweet today. Gonna make art all day, and hopefully results tommorow. Are your sick of seeing my index cards?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Rise Up
This index card is for my friend Phil, I actually made it for him, I am going to put it in a frame and give it to him. What happened was he was playing pickup hockey and someone checked him and he fell and broke his leg in 3 places. He had to have surgey and a plate in his leg. I think that is the end of his hockey career. I am not sure he will appreciate the humor attached but his wife will.
yesterday was a busy day,
cleaned the pantry
went and took stuff to the food bank
went and took stuff to the salvation army
walked devil dog
made a pasta salad for dinner
peeked at a new art journal I got today called Painted Pages
Went to home depot and got a bunch of brochures to paint (re the blog I linked to yesterday)
The only thing I did not get to was painting the fabric, maybe today.
Now today I am taking my baby (Kitchen Aid) to the kitchen aid hospital, I need to get it fixed. That was the gift I got when I retired. I have always wanted one, so now its broken and needs to be fixed. I am taking my mother inlaw to the fabric store and lunch.
I need to make some you ever get that feeling that you need to make art...I need to and am going to find time to make some art today.
What are you doing today?
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I am no Andy Warhol, but I do like Tomato Soup iCAD 22
Janet was kind enough to tell me about a free and here is the link it loks great , so easy and free all the better.
I watched my favourite show the Voice and I am telling you I just love that Adam Levine from Maroon Five, he is so nice and he seems geniune, in another life ...........
Yes I have decided that I am going to put all my index cards into a Rolidex, here is a snap of it, what I have posted so far, I cant wait till it is all done and all three months are on it. Then I might even do the other side. Mini works of my art, that could sit on the coffee table, or in my studio and just flip thru.
I bought some duck cloth and sketched all over it, and I am going to paint it with fabric paint, and make stuff from it. I was going to start painting yesterday, but the fridge got the best of me and I didnt get it started. So I am hoping today, I plan on doing no housework and just enjoying the day. I may go to home depot to get some paint brochres re the free flip flap journal.
I am thinking of going on a road trip girls only, me and devil dog, going to Winnipeg to visit my sister in July. I am only at the thinking stage part of the trip, On July 5 I have to have a special test done, and then we are getting new rugs upstairs, so I want to be here for that. So we will see if I can fit it all in. I am busier now then when I was working.
Well this is a pretty long post today with not much in, but you know posting every day you going to get this stuff from me. I love posting and my blog and my faithful blog readers, just know I appreciate each and every one of you.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Were you born with an artist brian
My answer to this is yes, everybody is. But its the way you develop and practice. I firmly believe that everybody can do something artistic even if they say they cant.
Well its only noon here, and I have been to the Clip and Curl with devil dog. Gone to my favourite store Urban Scrapbook and got a punch that makes Rolodex holes. I am going to put my index cards in a Rolodex. When I was looking for one, I phoned around and everyone who I asked did not even know what a Rolodex was. Okay I am not that old people, they have been around forever. But I guess now you can use your contact list on your computer, you don't need a Rolodex. But now they have a whole other new life, buy using your art for them. Well the rest of the day, is taking it easy, but I am going to clean out and wash down the fridge, it needs it, my least favourite job.
Whats on your list today.
Well its only noon here, and I have been to the Clip and Curl with devil dog. Gone to my favourite store Urban Scrapbook and got a punch that makes Rolodex holes. I am going to put my index cards in a Rolodex. When I was looking for one, I phoned around and everyone who I asked did not even know what a Rolodex was. Okay I am not that old people, they have been around forever. But I guess now you can use your contact list on your computer, you don't need a Rolodex. But now they have a whole other new life, buy using your art for them. Well the rest of the day, is taking it easy, but I am going to clean out and wash down the fridge, it needs it, my least favourite job.
Whats on your list today.
Monday, June 20, 2011
body Beautiful ICAD 20
Well has everyone recovered from your Fathers Day. Well here it is day 20 of the challenge, and I am still in it, that's a miracle . Usually by now I have jammed out. I am finding that I am really liking this size, easy and fast and you have to find others ways to be creative. I am also finding that I like creating collage, Usually I shied away from creating collage, without some element of my drawing in it, but I like doing them, and if I must say so myself I am getting better at them.
Well today its raining again, ok get that arc ready...So I am still in the Jammie's and don't feel like doing to much today. But we are getting new rugs upstairs, so I am going to get rid of stuff,today.
Whats on your schedule
Well today its raining again, ok get that arc ready...So I am still in the Jammie's and don't feel like doing to much today. But we are getting new rugs upstairs, so I am going to get rid of stuff,today.
Whats on your schedule
Sunday, June 19, 2011
going rogue
This is not an index card, you are allowed to have 1 day a week where you don't post an index card. I had fun making this page, as its fits right in with what I did yesterday. Went with the shopper and went bathing suit shopping. Okay it was not my finest hour, or 4 hours. Didn't come with a new bathing suit. But with a firm believe that nobody wants to see me in a bathing suit. I think that has to be the most demoralizing thing for a woman to do , even with a perfect body you always find some flaw in your body. Men have it so much easier, throw on a suit and they are ready, no matter what it looks like.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
lets get buggy
Do you like bugs? Lucky for me we don't live in a buggy place, winter is pretty cold here. I don't have a phobia or anything, I don't start screaming or wont touch one, I just don't like them. Well today it is raining again, I wonder when summer will be coming, I hope before winter arrives. Not doing to much today, just staying home and chilling, except for lunch the shopper is taking hubby ( I will tag along) out for lunch for fathers day. As fathers day is to crazy to do that, on Sunday she is going to cook supper for us.
Friday, June 17, 2011
hello friday, icad17
I like thats its friday
I dont that is cloudy and rainy
I like that I still have 50% off coupon to Michaels to spend today
I dont like that its calling my name
I like that I dont have to cook supper tonight because we are going out
I don't like that my friend broke his leg in 3 places and needs surgery
I like that hockey is finally over
I don't like that Boston won (sorry Bostonians)
I like that I found some fabric to paint on
I don't like that it was so expensive and not on sale
I like that so far I have created icad every day
I don't like that I have neglected my other art (which I said in my rules i was not going to do)
I like that my husband is off on Fridays
I like that he does the grocery shopping and I am the list maker
I don't like that I am the fridge cleaner
I like that I am alive
What do you like ?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Lets take A Tour de France today
I had such a great time creating this one. For starters I love the Tour de France bike race. When its comes on TV for those days I am glued to the TV, I even get up early to see it, hubby thinks I am nuts. Do I ride a bike now no, but something about it is so addicting. The speed the danger the crazy fans all of it..
Well yesterday was a whirlwind, lunch with friends for a wedding shower, women I ha vent seen in ages, catching up, saying hownone of us has changed ((lol) Then out to dinner with another group of women friends, then to the fundraiser concert for the Slave Lake. What happened is Salve Lake which is 100 kilometers away from here, is a small community of people, a small town of 7000 people. and a wild fire swept into there town about 3 weeks ago, and the town had to be evacuated when all was said and done, at least 300 houses were completely burnt down, Families left homeless with nothing but the clothes on their backs, it was just like a tornado had gone thru there. So an ongoing raising money to help has been going on. The concert tonight was just another effort, George Canyon, Johnnie Reid, Emerson Drive, all country singers and it was great, we had a foot stomping good time (lol). So today I am taking it easy, and just staying home and relaxing, maybe a few loads of laundry,i wont`t commit to this yet, we will just see how the day rolls out. Whats on your schedule today
Well yesterday was a whirlwind, lunch with friends for a wedding shower, women I ha vent seen in ages, catching up, saying hownone of us has changed ((lol) Then out to dinner with another group of women friends, then to the fundraiser concert for the Slave Lake. What happened is Salve Lake which is 100 kilometers away from here, is a small community of people, a small town of 7000 people. and a wild fire swept into there town about 3 weeks ago, and the town had to be evacuated when all was said and done, at least 300 houses were completely burnt down, Families left homeless with nothing but the clothes on their backs, it was just like a tornado had gone thru there. So an ongoing raising money to help has been going on. The concert tonight was just another effort, George Canyon, Johnnie Reid, Emerson Drive, all country singers and it was great, we had a foot stomping good time (lol). So today I am taking it easy, and just staying home and relaxing, maybe a few loads of laundry,i wont`t commit to this yet, we will just see how the day rolls out. Whats on your schedule today
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
life at warp speed
today is all about
a doctors appt this morning
a wedding shower luncheon with friends
a stop at my fav scrap store for there sale
home to feed the dog and walk her
dinner with friends before we go to a fundraiser\
a funraiser concert for victims of the Slave Lake fire victims
Johnny Reid, George Canyon country singers if you like country you will know who they are
then its home to bed
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Painting the Town red
I know they would look better with me using stamps for the text, but that would defeat the purpose for me of nice and easy
today I have to drink 6 glasses of water and hold it for a hour before I get an ultra sound
sounds like Chinese water torture to me
its pouring rain out
rain or shine we will be barbecuing tonight
have you read the secret daughter, run out and get it one of the best books I have read
ok that's it for today whats on your schedule
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Junkyard dog
The above was Sunday's index card, since I didnt post on my blog doesnt mean I dont do the index card challenge, I did and posted it on the flickr group
This is today's index card, I used a old cd cover and pasted it on the index card,etc you seen the girl, she is one from my visual journal which I just made smalled and added a little watercolour to her, and found the words in my stash. I and truly believe that anything you do you should never have regrets about.
I know I promised yard sale pictures but my battery is being charged so tomorrow.
Other than that I have a rug salesman coming today to give me estimates for the stairs and upstairs in our house, so we will see how many million that is.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Stand by me
This happens to be one of my favourite songs, I like the youtube version by I thinki its Small Change, I hear it now on the radio channel I listen to. Today is beautiful day and our area, is having over 100 garage sales, yard sales, whatever they call them in your area, so I am off to buy stuff I dont really need. I cannot resist a good deal. Stand by me and tommorow you will hear and see what I have bought. (Note how I inserted the title into the blog post ingenious lol

Friday, June 10, 2011
A few of my favourite things
I know hokey title, but dont you think its hard coming up with a title. I always think when people look at the title that makes them want to read your blog, . Because if you read this title you probably just pass on by, because who the hell knows what carded is. Well another day another index card, I have made up a bunch is advance, so I dont feel pressure, and I can create and explore other things than index cards. I love drawing birds with there own personality so here is another one, I made from an index card as well as using an index card.
Here are some of the things that I have bought or got lately I know I am just like Oprah I am sure you are all going to run out and get these things right away (lol)
From the library I got:

from Value Village I got the book: Painting with Pastels its an old one 1993, but I lwill get some information out of it.
Best new supply:
like the watercolour pencils for more intense, great
I have signed up for
I wanted to be able to work and take better digital pictures with my point and shoot camera
I also signed up for Compostion for Collage over at the Big Picture Scrapbooking site -this class is taught by Claudine Hellmuth.
I am taking a free course over at
its about art journalling go take peek and get your motor running
Just ordered this book off of have not got it yet looks good

Favourite new series The Voice
Guilty Pleasure: Housewives of Orange County
you can go here and see the sketchbook project pages:
Here are some of the things that I have bought or got lately I know I am just like Oprah I am sure you are all going to run out and get these things right away (lol)
From the library I got:


from Value Village I got the book: Painting with Pastels its an old one 1993, but I lwill get some information out of it.
Best new supply:

like the watercolour pencils for more intense, great
I have signed up for
I wanted to be able to work and take better digital pictures with my point and shoot camera
I also signed up for Compostion for Collage over at the Big Picture Scrapbooking site -this class is taught by Claudine Hellmuth.
I am taking a free course over at
its about art journalling go take peek and get your motor running
Just ordered this book off of have not got it yet looks good

Favourite new series The Voice
Guilty Pleasure: Housewives of Orange County
you can go here and see the sketchbook project pages:
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Dancing in the streets
I had a whole other blog post ready, but decided to save it for another day. Well still doing the index a card a day and still liking it. Today the hubby is out of town and me and devil dog are going to create all day on the deck, its a beautiful day, some wine might be consumed, some carrots ate (devil dog), , but I can tell you there will be no housecleaning, or cooking. There might be some Thai food ordered in, a movie watched and some late night and sleeping in going on around here. Other than that whats on your plan for this Thursday.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
How did I do that
OK i dont think Iam all that and chips (old folks saying) but I wanted to tell you about my index cards. When I first read about the project at I thought to myself nope cant do that no time, wont have any ideas, cant commit to that and went on checking my blogs. But it stayed in my mind funny how that stays in my mind and my phone number I cant remember. Anywaty I went back to it, and re read it and thought ok you can do this, you can committ. But then I decided there had to be a few rules here for me:
1. Has to be easy
2. Nothing that requires me in the studio to do this, I wanted to watch TV to do this
3. Decided to use only use what I had
4. The card could be anything, one word if I wanted it to be
5. I was not to get the perfection thing going and not be able to finish the card because I thought it was not good enough
5. I could use on the card , backgrounds that I had made in the studio eons ago
6. I was only going to use, black pen, white pen, sharpies
7. I was not to be discouraged well looking at other's work and use that favourite phrase of mine, that i wasn't posting because my work was not up to the standard of the others
8. I was not to get so involved I forgot about my other art work
9. I was going to have fun, and not stress out over it
So there it is my 9 flexible rules, why I did this. Now if you have not joined yet you still have time. So get out your index cards and get creating.
P.s I just noticed something on my card that i did not finish the other two sides with circles, and of course it bugging me, but i am just going to let it go, because thats just who I am (not) lol.
P.s I just noticed something on my card that i did not finish the other two sides with circles, and of course it bugging me, but i am just going to let it go, because thats just who I am (not) lol.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Lets get this monday rolling
up early to take devil dog to vet
I am going to get a haircut and pedicure
I am going to get a haircut and pedicure
leftovers for dinner
need some white paint from art store
a little clean up around here
sun is out
cleaning up my car and take it to carwash
feeling way better able to take on the world
whats on your Monday
Sunday, June 05, 2011
BBQ pizza and index cards
index card for June 5
creating my index cards is like creating mini collages addicting
made homemade pizza gourmet, goat cheese, mixed cheese, chicken, white sauce
red onion, red, orange yellow peppers, more cheese / cooked on the BBQ on the side that is not heated delicious
just enjoying spending time on the deck
loving late nights when it is still light out
what did you do today
index card a day (ICAD)
Friday, June 03, 2011
sometimes its about the simple life

I used some hand painted paper that I had made in my journal
sometimes don't you just wish life was a little more simpler. Don't get me wrong I like a busy, techno, filled life. But sometimes when I am having a bad day, or not feeling well I just wish there weren't so many decisions to make. Like what kind of pizza do you want, years ago there was only two choice's, what channel do you want to watch, what soap do you want to use in your washer to get the best results. I could go on and on. But today I am kinda out of sorts had a test yesterday where they put you out, and today I feel like crap, I don't want to make any decisions, so I am not, I am not turning on the TV, I am not going to decide what to make for dinner. I am going to get my jammies on and lay in my bed. No decisions for me today, okay while laying there I might read all my fav blogs but that is it...
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Thursday mish mash
weather: windy and warm
clothes: new clark sandals and capris
dinner: out tonight for Italian
house: washing the floors
art: creating collages and thnking about painting on fabric
New find: Jagurad Paint and Pass paint, beautiful vibrant colours
idea for paint and fabric:
go have a look and get your mo-jo going
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