Monday, December 26, 2011

Its all over except the mess

Had a great xmas
lots of great gifts
lots of turkey and stuffing, chocolates and on and on
listening to Adele 21 from the Shopper
went for a great long walk with devil dog to walk of the food
the weather is perfect
not venturing to far today
Boxing day sales will be on all week
leftover turkey and trimmings tonight
turkey soup in the crock pot


  1. Sounds like our day was similar...happy! Our own hounds are relishing the snippets of turkey that come their way and the crock pot will be full of turkey soup tomorrow. The ham bone is waiting in the freezer for its beans next week. Hope the rest of your week is delicious!

  2. We had a good holiday, too but I'm glad it's over and I can get on with things. You'll have to tell all the goodies you got.

  3. sounds delightful! we are making split pea soup off the ham we had!
    Hope your christmas and boxing day were all fantastic!

  4. sounds delightful! we are making split pea soup off the ham we had!
    Hope your christmas and boxing day were all fantastic!

  5. Love the title of your true, so true...

  6. holiday was great, but now I am in love to be at home and have time to paint ;-) love your cool christmas-doodle-bird, he is so nice weird, hihi


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