Saturday, January 24, 2015

Mish Mash Saturday

this is part of a page that I was trying to make a repeating pattern for.  In my other
life I want to come back as an Illustrator.  I am reading a great book called
7 letters from Paris, a true story.  Now an update:  Remember I said I was
going to approach the children's clothing store about putting my art up.  Well I went
over there the other day, and it was closed but I looked in the window.  Its a very
nice upscale clothing store, but no where do they display any art, and they
really don't have the walls for it, so that out.  I am going to have to
rethink now.  I was reading in the latest cloth paper scissor magazine, they
have a call for mixed media maps, you have to use some fabric in your
design, I might give it a try.  I have a few ideas we will have to see if
they work, I will keep you informed.
I just saw a great video on canvas take a look
I have finally finished the clean up in the studio and am going to take a few pictures of it, will post on Sunday.  Well I feel the need to go to the bookstore, so I am off to
browse the bookstore, and read all there magazines.  What are you up to today



  1. Hello Lee, I've got news for you - you already are an illustrator. This is really lovely, with great colours all together and a very good design with the flowers coming in from different directions.
    Do you not have any trendy cafes in your area, even if they do not show art now, they might be delighted to after they have seen your art.

  2. How nice are you thanks that's a good idea

  3. I agree with Sheila...Get the word out...ask people where their may be a place that is interested in whimsical art! Gets some business cards made up at vista with your funky art on it. Just put your email and blog address on them! That way you still keep it private and hand them out at places you think might be interested. Look at little cafes, books stores that aren't chapters... you must have a bit of an art district in your area. Ask the shopper she probably know where to go. Chat them up and leave a card! They can check your website to see your fun artwork!
    Good luck... and thanks for the hook up on Cee Cees videos...I see what my new addictions going to be...I've already watched three...

    Hugs Giggles

  4. I think I would ask in that children's store anyway; couldn't hurt, right? Submitting to magazines is a great plan, too. I could totally see you getting published in Cloth Paper Scissors! I hope you had a great day at the of my very favorite places to pass the time.

  5. Wow, you are impressing me. You are going straight forward your way as you have planned. Congratulations on your clean up in the studio! I agree to what Sheila suggested. Trendy cafes or pubs might be a very cool place for your art. You are an wonderful illustrator! I love this "mish mash saturday picture"!


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